Bentley OpenComms Designer Help

Trace Fiber

  1. From the Fiber Review dialog box, select a fiber and click Trace.
  2. The Fiber Trace Report generates a dialog box showing ISP and CWDM splitter information, starting and terminating points, Buffer and Fiber colors, the length of each sheath, OS name of the fiber, Sequence number and Wavelength. This report can be saved as a *.csv file or as *.txt file, by right clicking on any cell of the Trace Report. (See diagram below.)

    Note: Use the 'Clear Temp Levels’ command from the Review/Validate section of the ribbon to remove trace lines.
    Note: When multiple fibers are selected for a trace report under X Section Review, there will be an individual Fiber Trace Report dialog box that will open for each fiber selected.
  3. Click Cancel to exit.