Bentley OpenComms Designer Help

Set Build State

Bentley Coax, Fiber, and Copper modules provide the ability to set a Build State status on any extracted design features. The user, for example could use Build State status of '2' for future build, Build State status of '3' for 'Under Construction', etc. No Build State status of '0' is the default Build State. All features must be locked or new when changing Build States.

Build State for Coax:

After placing a fence and selecting Utilities>Set Build State on the Coax Utilities menu, the user is prompted to enter a number from zero to ten in the Tool Settings dialog:

All features within or overlapped by the fence boundary, will be assigned that specific Build State status.

Coax BOM allows the user to perform BOMs using Build State status as criteria for the report.

Build State for Fiber:

After placing a fence and selecting Modify/Delete>Populate Build State on the Fiber Modify/Delete menu, the user is prompted to enter a number from zero to ten in the Tool Settings dialog:

All features within or overlapped by the fence boundary, will be assigned that specific Build State status.

Build State for Copper:

After placing a fence and selecting Modify/Delete>Populate Build State on the Fiber Modify/Delete menu, the user is prompted to enter a number from zero to ten in the Tool Settings dialog:

All features within or overlapped by the fence boundary, will be assigned that specific Build State status.