Bentley Map V8i (SELECTseries 10) Help

Bentley Map Operation with RDBMS

Bentley Map tries to maintain the concept of one database record for each graphic record. That means when starting a project with RDBMS features or opening a file that appears to have an RDBMS connection. If a successful database connection is not made for these projects or files, Bentley Map will not edit, copy or create features that would normally have properties. This helps prevent orphan records either in the RDBMS or the DGN file. As such, Bentley Map does not use the settings for linkage generation mode.

However, some users have applications that automatically set the linkage generation mode for their own purposes. And, on some occasions, there are requirements to copy features without creating new database records. For example, fence copy part of a map into another DGN with a differing projection for printing or sharing purposes. In that case it is possible to start Bentley Map with the following variable set:


This will prevent Bentley Map from requiring a database connection and also allow the user to set the linkage generation mode as required. If the linkage generation mode is set to None (Settings > Database > Dialog) then copy operations will not create new records in the RDBMS.

You can enable coordinate readout in a coordinate system different from the master coordinate system.