Bentley Map V8i (SELECTseries 10) Help


WKT (Well known Text) is a standard way of defining geographic coordinate systems in addition to other geographical objects. Bentley Map provides a keyin to import a text file with WKT, create and assign a geographic coordinate system (GCS). This text file is typically an ESRI .PRJ file associated with a SHP file.

Key-in: MapCSUtilities ReadWKT filespec

The file specified by filespec will be read and assigned as a GCS in the active file. The filespec should be a fully qualified file specification.

If the file is read and assigned correctly a message will be displayed saying that the command succeeded.

If the command fails then a message will indicate that it failed and there may also be further details.

Possible causes of failure:

  • File not found
  • Datum not interpreted correctly
Note: This tool creates a GCS from WKT and assigns it to the active file. It will replace an existing GCS without prompting the user to reproject or to change the storage units. Be sure to run this command on a copy of your data.