OpenCities Map Help

Pyramid Solid

(3D only) Used to place a pyramid shaped solid.

Method Sets how the base and top shapes are positioned.
  • Inscribed — Polygons for base and top are inscribed in an imaginary circle. If the Radius value is set, by default one vertex is placed along the x-axis from the center.
  • Circumscribed — Polygons for base and top are circumscribed about an imaginary circle. If the Radius value is set, by default the midpoint of one side is placed along the x-axis from the center.
  • By Edge — One edge is defined graphically.
  • Rectangle — Lets you define the length and width of the base and top of a rectangular pyramid. You can set Top Width to zero and construct a roof-like solid with a ridge line.
Axis Sets the direction of the pyramid's axis (height).
  • Points (AccuDraw) — Direction of height is defined graphically. AccuDraw can be used to define the drawing plane on which the points are placed.
  • Screen X, Y, or Z — Direction of the height is set to the screen's X, Y, or Z axis.
  • Drawing X, Y, or Z — Direction of the height is set to the drawing's, or model's, X, Y, or Z axis.
Edges Sets the number of edges (3–63).
Orthogonal If on, the pyramid is a right pyramid.
Top Radius If on, sets the second (top) radius.
Base Radius If on, sets the first (base) radius.
Height If on, sets the height.
Base Length (Method set to Rectangle only) If on, sets the length for the base of the pyramid.
Base Width (Method set to Rectangle only) If on, sets the width for the base of the pyramid.
Top Length (Method set to Rectangle only) If on, sets the length for the top of the pyramid.
Top Width (Method set to Rectangle only) If on, sets the width for the top of the pyramid.