OpenCities Map Help

Raster Convert Dialog

Used to make batch conversions of raster image files. The Raster Selection section lets you select one or more files to convert. The Output section lets you set the conversion options for the output files.

You can access this dialog from the following:
  • Raster Manager dialog: File > Batch Convert

Files list box Displays the names, Color Mode and Pixels for all files that are to be converted.
Add Clicking the Add button opens the Add File(s) dialog, which lets you select one or more files for conversion. All selected files are added to the Raster Selection list box.
Remove Clicking the Remove button deletes selected files from the list box.
Format Lets you select the file format for the output file(s), from an option menu containing the file formats supported.
Color Mode Lets you select the color mode from an option menu containing the supported color modes for the selected file type.
Compression Lets you set the compression type from an option menu containing the supported compression types for the selected file type and color mode.
Resize When on, indicates that the selected files are to be resized. The new size is entered in the fields provided.

When one file is converted, default values for the Size fields are the current width and height of the input image.

When more than one file is converted, default values for the Size fields are the width and height of the last selected input image.

Proportional (Resize ON only) When ON, changing one of the Resize fields changes the remaining field accordingly, to maintain the height and width proportions of the image file.
Gamma Correction Sets the Gamma Correction that is applied to all converted files. This field is disabled for binary files.
Invert When ON, inverts the images colors. Similar to producing negatives of the images.
Directory Displays the output directory for converted files.
Options Clicking the Options button opens the Raster Save As Settings dialog, which lets you set other options.
Select Clicking the Select button opens the Select Directory dialog, which lets you select a directory in which to store the converted files.
Convert Clicking the Convert button starts the conversion process.