OpenCities Map Help

Linear Pattern

Used to draw or "tile" a pattern along an existing linear element. That is, to replace the linear element with repetitions of the pattern cell. After applying linear patterning to an element, you can turn off Patterns in the View Attributes Dialog ( Drawing > View > Presentation > View Attributes ), to display the original linear element.

You can access this tool from the following:
  • Ribbon: Drawing > Annotate > Patterns
  • Toolbox: Patterning

The pattern cell (top) and the element (bottom) used for the illustrations in the table below

Cycle Sets the manner in which the active Pattern Cell is placed.
  • Truncated — Place along the element at the Active Pattern Scale. If necessary, the last instance is truncated.

  • Complete — Placed along the element at a scale that is adjusted, if necessary, from the Active Pattern Scale so that only complete instances are placed.

  • Single — Placed with one instance on each segment. If a segment's length is less than 80% of the cycle length, the segment is patterned with the first horizontal line in the pattern cell.

  • Multiple — Place along an element at a scale that is adjusted, if necessary, from the Active Pattern Scale so that every instance is complete along each segment. If a segment's length is less than 80% of the cycle length, the segment is patterned with the first horizontal line in the pattern cell.

Pattern The cell that is tiled to create the pattern. Can also be set with the Set Active Pattern Cell icon in the Cell Library dialog ( Drawing > Annotate > Cells dialog launcher).
Browse Opens the Cell Library dialog for the placement of a different active cell.
Scale The active Pattern Cell is scaled by this factor. If between 0–1 (for example, 0.25), the size is decreased. If 1, the size is unchanged from the cell definition. If greater than 1, the size is increased.
Annotation Scale Lock icon

Sets the Annotation Scale Lock. When this lock is on, the annotation scale is applied to the pattern.

By default, the annotation scale is taken from the model's Annotation Scale setting. You can change it only in the model's properties in the Properties dialog. The exception is when the model's Propagate Annotation Scale property is off. In that case, the annotation scale can be controlled independently for each element via its properties.

True Scale If on, the active pattern is scaled to adjust it to the units of the active model. The scaling occurs only if the cell is shared and the units of the model in which the cell was created differ from those of the active model.
Tip: Linear patterning is supported to maintain compatibility with existing applications and for customers who have existing designs with linear patterns. In most cases, however, defining a Custom Line Style and using linear element placement tools is far more efficient, and is recommended for new design work.