OpenCities Map Help


Used to resize an element(s). Elements can be scaled individually, as a selected group, or within a fence. When About Element Center is turned on, selected elements are scaled about their (individual) center points.

You can access this tool from the following:

  • Ribbon: Drawing > Home > Manipulate
  • Ribbon: Modeling > Home > Manipulate
  • Toolbox: Manipulate
  • Default keyboard shortcut: <Q, T> or <[, U>

Method Sets the method used to scale an element.
  • Active Scale — Scale by the active scale factors (X Scale, Y Scale, and Z Scale). If a scale factor is 0-1 (for example, 0.25), size in that direction is decreased; if a scale factor is greater than 1, size in that direction is increased.
  • 3 points — Scale graphically, through the entry of three data points. The scale factors are computed by dividing the distance between the first and third points by the distance between the first and second points.
X Scale Scale factor along view x-axis (horizontal), when Method is Active Scale.
Y Scale Scale factor along view y-axis (vertical), when Method is Active Scale.
Z Scale (3D only) Scale factor along view z-axis (depth), when Method is Active Scale.
Proportional (Method set to 3 points only) If on, the element(s) proportions are maintained.
Copies If on, the element(s) are copied and the copy(s) are scaled; the original(s) are not manipulated. The adjacent field sets the number of scaled copies to create.
Note: When copying and scaling an element with tags, only the element is scaled. If you want the tags also to be scaled, you must first select the tags along with the base element and then choose the Scale tool.
Use Fence If on, the fence contents are scaled. The option menu sets the Fence (Selection) Mode.
About Element Center If on, in Extended Information section of tool settings, the selected element(s) is scaled about its center point instead of a selected point. Cells and text elements are scaled about their origins.

Elements may be selected individually, or you can select multiple elements to scale in a selection set or using a fence. Where multiple elements are selected, they all will be scaled about their own center points.

Multi-line Offsets If on, multi-line offsets are scaled (for example, to scale wall thickness when resizing a room).
Dimension Values If on, dimension values are modified to reflect the size of the scaled dimension.

If off, only the dimension elements are scaled, while the dimension value remains unchanged.

Annotations If on, annotations are scaled. An annotation is an annotation-able element that is placed with the annotation scale lock on. Annotation-able element types are dimensions, text elements, text nodes, notes, detailing symbols, annotation cells, and tags.

If off, size of annotations remains unchanged.

Tip: Choosing Scale from the Reset pop-up menu selects the Scale tool. When the tool is selected in this manner, the scale operation affects all selected elements.