OpenCities Map Help

Modifying Text Styles

A text style’s attributes are broken down into categories, shown as tabs on the Text Styles dialog:

  • The General tab contains the most common attributes, and controls the general appearance of text.
  • The Spacing tab displays the attributes that control how characters and lines are placed in relation to each other, as well as special direction options.
  • The Under/Overline tab mirrors the values shown on the ‘General’ tab, but this tab allows you to override the default properties for the line and its offset.
  • The Background tab has controls that allow you to show a border and/or background fill around the associated text elements. Offset values are really internal padding values.
  • The Advanced tab allows editing of all text attributes, including several less common and/or advanced features. This tab also allows you to compare text styles, either with their associated library text style, or with another style. You can control this option via the Mode drop-down list box. When selecting the Compare or Difference modes, you must first either select two text styles from the list (hold down the <Ctrl> key for multi-selection), or turn on Compare against library style (only available for text styles that have a library text style equivalent).
Tip: Distances (used for spacing and/or backgrounds) are relative to text height. If the text height changes, the spacing adjusts relative to the change in the text height.
Note: Multiple text styles can be modified at once by selecting multiple text styles from the list. To select multiple text styles from the list, select the first text style, then while holding down the <Ctrl> key, select additional styles. The properties of the last selected style will be displayed. If there are differences in properties in the selected styles, the titles of those properties appear in bold. If these properties are changed so they match in all the selected styles, the bold is removed. Property names are blue if the modification to the property is different then what is in use in the file. Each style is only modified by the immediate changes that you make (that is, modifying multiple styles does not cause all of them to match in every attribute).