OpenCities Map Help

Clash Detection Configuration Variables

The following table lists the configuration variables that are related to clash detection. Each configuration variable expects a valid value. An invalid value will not override a setting. You do not need to close and restart in order for the configuration variable change to take effect, unless noted.

Variable "Short Name" Description
CLASHDETECTION_DEFAULT_OUTPUT_PATH Clash Detection Default Output Sets the folder location of the output from a clash detection operation. For example, when exporting clash locations to a GPS system, the .GPX file is saved in this location.
CLASHDETECTION_ENGINE_CLASH_DISCOVERY_LIMIT Clash Discovery Limit Sets the maximum number of clashes that are reported; default is 10,000.
CLASHDETECTION_ENGINE_RETAIN_SUPPRESSED_CLASHES Retain Suppressed Clashes Used for internal implementation only. Do not modify this configuration variable. Retains the clashes that are suppressed by the rules.
CLASHDETECTION_RULE_EXTENSION_ASSEMBLIES Rule Extension Assemblies Sets the location of the rule extension assemblies that contain methods used by the clash rules.
CLASHDETECTION_RULE_TEMPLATE_ROOT Rule Template Root Folder Sets the root location of the suppression rule templates.
CLASHDETECTION_RULE_TEMPLATE_PATHS Rule Template Search Paths Sets the locations of all the various suppression rule template sets.
CLASHDETECTION_DISPLAY_STYLE_BACKGROUND Clash Background Display Style Used for internal implementation only. Do not modify this configuration variable. Sets the display style to show the clashes, surroundings, and background.
CLASHDETECTION_DISPLAY_STYLE_SURROUNDINGS Clash Surroundings Display Style Used for internal implementation only. Do not modify this configuration variable. Sets the display style to show the clashes and surroundings; but hides the background.
CLASHDETECTION_DISPLAY_STYLE_ELEMENTS Clash Display Style Used for internal implementation only. Do not modify this configuration variable. Sets the display style to show only the clash elements; but hides the surroundings and background.
CLASHDETECTION_ASSEMBLIES Location of Assemblies Used for internal implementation only. Do not modify this configuration variable. Sets the root location of the clash detection assemblies.