OpenCities Map Help

Panning While Digitizing

As hard copy is digitized, the design in the view normally remains static and the screen pointer moves as the tablet cursor is moved. You may find it more convenient to let the screen pointer remain stationary in the center of a view and have the view pan as the tablet cursor is moved.

To automatically pan this way while digitizing, key in SET AUTOPAN ON. The view in which the screen pointer is located when this key-in is entered becomes the anchor view, the view that is panned as digitizing progresses. The center of the view becomes the anchor point, the location in which the screen pointer is locked or anchored.

When automatic panning is on and the tablet cursor is in the screen partition of the digitizing tablet, the design will pan unless the pointer is in the center of the view. The effect is exactly as if you began panning at the center of the view, and is much less useful than the panning that occurs in the digitizing partition.

Therefore, you may want to turn off automatic panning (SET AUTOPAN OFF) when the tablet cursor is in the screen partition. To facilitate toggling of automatic panning, create and attach a cursor button menu with a button assigned to the key-in SET AUTOPAN TOGGLE.