OpenCities Map Help

View Control Toolbox

The View Control toolbox contains tools for manipulating views in the active DGN file. Tools that are 3D specific are disabled when working in a 2D model.

All tools in a toolbox are not always visible by default. To see all tools, right-click in the toolbox and select Show All from the menu.

To In the View Control toolbox, select
Open the View Attributes dialog.

View Attributes
Set the view display mode from the list of display styles or from the Display Styles dialog.

View Display Mode
Apply scene lighting to a view and adjust brightness of shaded views.

Adjust View Brightness
Update (redraw) a view(s).

Update View
Increase the magnification of a view.

Zoom In
Decrease the magnification of a view.

Zoom Out
Window an area in a view.

Window Area
Display all displayable elements in the active design and attached references in a view.

Fit View
Open the View Rotation toolbox and rotate the view.

Rotate View
View a different part of the design without changing the view magnification.

Pan View
(3D only) Interactively walk through a 3D model.

(3D only) Interactively fly through a 3D model.

(3D only) Interactively navigate a 3D view.

Navigate View
Undo the last viewing operation.

View Previous
Redo the last undone viewing operation.

View Next
Copy contents of one view to another.

Copy View
(3D only) Open the View Perspective toolbox and change the perspective angle of a 3D view.

Change View Perspective
(3D only) Set a view's Display Depth.

Set Display Depth
(3D only) Set a view's Active Depth.

Set Active Depth
(3D only) Show the Display Depth setting for a view(s).

Show Display Depth
(3D only)Opens the View Rotation dialog.
Change View Rotation
(3D only) Show the Active Depth setting for a view(s).

Show Active Depth
(3D only) Set up the view camera.

Setup Camera
Render a view(s), the fence contents, or an element(s).

Apply a clip volume to a view.

Clip Volume
Apply a clip mask to a view

Clip Mask
Tip: Where you have particular view controls that you use regularly, you can customize the view control bar used with 3D DGN files to include additional 3D-specific view controls, such as Render.