OpenCities Map Help

New Dialog

Used to create and open a DGN file as the active DGN file.

You can access this dialog from the following:

  • Ribbon: File > New

Note: If the preference Use Windows file open is on (the default) in the Look and Feel category of the Preferences dialog (Ribbon > Settings > User > Preferences), the File, Edit, Directory, and Help menus are not present, but most of the functions provided in those menus can be performed using the icon bar.
Save in Lists the drives and directories for selection.
List box Lists the names of the existing files in the directory, filtered according to the file type chosen in the Save as type option menu.
File name Sets the name of the new DGN file you want to create.

Different file systems allow different numbers of characters in file names. Some file systems are case-sensitive (they differentiate between upper and lower case), others are not. If portability between different file systems is a concern, file names with a maximum of eight characters all in the same case are recommended.

Save as type Sets the type of file to create.
  • OpenCities Map DGN (*.dgn) - displays OpenCities Map Design Files [*.dgn] in list box
  • AutoCAD Drawing Files (*.dwg) - displays AutoCAD Drawing Files [*.dwg] in list box
  • All Files (*.*) - displays all files, regardless of format (*.*)
Seed File Identifies the seed DGN file, which is copied to create the new DGN file.
Browse Opens the Select Seed File dialog, which is used to select a different seed file. The files listed for selection in the Select Seed File dialog are in the directory pointed to by the MS_SEEDFILES configuration variable.
Save Creates the new DGN file.
Go to Last Folder Visited Returns to the last folder that you opened.
Up One Level Moves up one directory from your current location.
Create New Folder Creates a new folder with an editable name field.
View Menu Allows you to select how to display the files in the directory.
  • Thumbnails — Shows a thumbnail image of the files in the directory.
  • Tiles — Displays the file by name, type and size of file.
  • Icons — Displays the files by the product-specific icon.
  • List — Shows a list of the files in the directory.
  • Details — Allows you to select what details you want to display for the files listed.
Bentley icon > file history Lists up to the last ten files that were most recently opened. The desired file can be chosen from the menu.
Folder icon > Select Configuration Variable Opens the Select Configuration Variable dialog. Use this dialog to change the directory of files listed in the list box by selecting a configuration variable whose definition points to a different directory.

  • List box — Lists path and directory configuration variables for selection.
  • OK — Accepts the selected configuration variable and closes the dialog. The directory whose files are listed in the Files list box in the Open dialog changes to the directory specified in the configuration variable definition.
Folder icon > folder history Lists up to the last 12 folders that were most recently opened. The desired folder can be chosen from the menu.