OpenCities Map Help

Tentative Snap Points

A tentative snap point is a form of graphic input that is used to:

  • Preview the location of the next data point. Accepting the tentative point location enters the data point there.
  • Define a point of reference for entry of the next data point.

It is also possible to snap a tentative point to an existing element (put it directly on the element). Tentative point snapping helps you accurately construct new elements that are either connected to existing ones or precisely related to existing ones.

Using tentative snaps, for example, you can:

  • Place a line from the exact end point of an existing element to the midpoint of another.
  • Place a line perpendicular or parallel to another line.
  • Place a circle tangent to an arc or a B-spline curve.
  • Place a cell at the centroid of a shape.
Tip: Snapping to a point on an element at which that element is overlapped by another element(s) can be difficult, especially when working with complex models. It is sometimes easiest to first bring the overlapped element to "the front" of the view display. An element is said to be in the front if it is not overlapped by any other elements. To bring an overlapped element to the front, select the element and then select Drawing > Home > Selection > Bring to Front.