OpenCities Map Help

To Set Format and Accuracy

  1. Open the Design File Settings dialog ( File > Settings > File > Design File Settings ).
  2. In the Category list box, select Working Units.
  3. From the Format option menu in the Linear Units section, choose either MU (master units), MU:SU (master and sub units), or MU:SU:PU (master, sub, and positional units).
  4. From the Accuracy option menu, choose the number of decimal places, the denominator of fractions, or number of decimal places in scientific units in which fractions of the units chosen from the Format option menu are displayed.
  5. From the Format option menu in the Angle Readout section, choose DD.DDDD (for decimal angle readout), DD MM SS (for angle readout in degrees, minutes, and seconds), Gradians, or Radians.
  6. In the Category list box, select Angle Readout.
  7. From the Accuracy option menu, choose the number of decimal places to which fractional angle measurements are displayed.
  8. From the Mode option menu, choose Azimuth or Bearing.
  9. Click OK.