OpenCities Map Help

Exporting JT Files

OpenCities Map supports exporting DGN files to the JT file format. You can export all OpenCities Map entities except for multi-line elements and patterns. You have the option to export text and/or dimension elements on a per-file basis. The JT Exporter dialog is used to export DGN files to the JT file format.

Note: You can use the key-in JTEXPORT DIALOG to open the JT Exporter dialog.

When you export a DGN file to a JT file you can export the master file and/or all displayed reference files. When exporting a file you can choose not to export the master file or any reference file. By default the master file and each reference file are output as a separate JT file. All reference file manipulations are supported. You also have the option to export the master file and its references to a single JT file.

When exporting a DGN file to JT, the master file’s master units are used for all calculations. However, the exported reference files retain their own master units. Each file is exported in its own master units and is relative to its global origin.