OpenCities Map Help

References Key-in Format

Many of the references key-ins take a "file-spec," which can be the file name or the logical name of the reference. The "file-spec" format can be a series of file names separated by the "->" delimiter, where the series of file names represent the path to a nested reference. For example, "ref1.dgn->ref2.dgn->ref3.dgn->ref4.dgn" represents the path to a nested reference (ref4.dgn). Additionally, you may use "all" or "*" to signify all attached references.

Example 1: To turn off "level 1" in the reference ref1.dgn.

reference levels off “level 1” ref1.dgn;selview 1

Example 2: To turn off "level 1" in the nested reference ref2.dgn.

reference levels off “level 1” ref1.dgn->ref2.dgn;selview 1

Following key-ins can use the delimiters to represent the path to nested file names:

  • REFERENCE ACTIVATE <file-spec>
  • REFERENCE EXCHANGE <reference_file_name>
Note: The key-in to attach references (REFERENCE ATTACH, or RF=) lets you specify a configuration variable to define the location of the references. This configuration variable can be either one defined within OpenCities Map, or one defined at the operating system level.
References key-in Description
REFERENCE ACTIVATE <file-spec> Activates the selected reference for in-place editing. A black dot indicates it is activated.
REFERENCE DEACTIVATE <file-spec> Deactivates the selected reference so that you can return to editing the active model. A gray check mark indicates it is deactivated.
REFERENCE EXCHANGE <reference_file_name>


Opens the defined reference, retaining the same view configuration.

If no filename is given with the key-in, and no reference is selected in the References dialog, you are prompted to select a reference (graphically).

REFERENCE ATTACH (or RF=)[configuration_variable:]<file_name>[,model_name][,logical_name][,description][,view_name][,scale][,nesting][,on|off] Attaches a reference to the active model.
REFERENCE CLIP BOUNDARY <file-spec> Applies a clip boundary to a reference .
REFERENCE CLIP MASK <file-spec> Applies a clip mask to a reference .
REFERENCE CLIP DELETE <file-spec> Deletes a reference clip boundary or clip mask .
REFERENCE CLIP BACK <file-spec> Sets the back clipping plane for a 3D reference.
REFERENCE CLIP FRONT <file-spec> Sets the front clipping plane for a 3D reference.
REFERENCE RELOAD <file-spec> Reloads references that have changed since last loaded.
REFERENCE RELOAD FORCE <file-spec> Forces a reload of references .
REFERENCE MOVE <file-spec> Moves a reference .
REFERENCE COPY <file-spec> Makes a copy of a reference .
REFERENCE SCALE ABSOLUTE|FACTOR|POINTS <file-spec> Scales (resizes) a reference .
REFERENCE ROTATE <file-spec> Rotates a reference .
REFERENCE MIRROR HORIZONTAL|VERTICAL <file-spec> Mirrors a reference about a horizontal or vertical line.
REFERENCE COPY FOLDED HORIZONTAL|LINE|VERTICAL <file-spec> Creates copies of references , folded about an orthogonal axis, or about a defined line.
REFERENCE PRESENTATION <file-spec> Sets the presentation mode of a reference.
REFERENCE DETACH <file-spec> Detaches a reference .
REFERENCE DISPLAY ON|OFF|TOGGLE <file_spec> The display of the defined references is turned on, off, or their on/off state is switched.
REFERENCE SNAP ON|OFF|TOGGLE <file_spec> The ability to snap to the defined references is turned on, off, or their on/off state is switched.
REFERENCE LOCATE ON|OFF|TOGGLE <file_spec> The ability to select elements in the defined references is turned on, off, or their on/off state is switched.
REFERENCE LEVELS ON|OFF|TOGGLE <file_spec> For the defined references, all levels are turned on, off, or their on/off state is switched.
REFERENCE PROPERTIES <file_spec> For the defined reference, opens the Attachment Properties dialog.