OpenCities Map Help

To Extrude a Surface Along a Path

  1. Select the Surface by Extrusion Along tool.
  2. If necessary, turn off Circle.
  3. Select the path element.
  4. Select the profile element.
  5. Accept to complete the extrusion.

    The dark blue curve was placed in a Top view. The light blue profile can be moved to the end point with the Align 3D tool.

    The rotation ball at the end of the handle can move the location of the path curve during the sweep operation. The direction of the sweep can be changed by clicking the red arrow.

    In this example Alignment was set to Parallel and accepted.

    The Scale option was checked with a value of 0.5 to make the ending profile half the size of the beginning profile. With the Scale option selected, one additional data point is required to choose the location about which the profile will be scaled. In this case the intersection of the path and the profile was selected.

    The Spin option was selected and a value of 90 degrees was used. Any value is allowed with this option. The sign of the angle will determine the direction of the spin.