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Regular Expressions for Selecting Multiple Items

When selecting multiple items, regular expressions let you define strings with variables for matching the names of the required items.

Syntax of Regular Expressions for Selecting Multiple Items

The regular expressions for selecting multiple items are listed below:

The following is a list of regular expressions used only for selecting multiple items. When selecting multiple items, you can also use regular expressions that are used for all types of operations.

Character Meaning
c Any non-special character c matches itself.
\c Turn off special meaning of character c.
[…] Any one of characters in …; ranges like a-z are legal.
[^…] Any single character not in …; ranges are legal.
s* Zero or more occurrences of string s (the preceding character).
s+ One or more occurrences of string s (the preceding character).
st String s followed by string t.

Examples of Regular Expressions for Selecting Multiple Items

Consider the case where there are six references attached — print1.dgn, print2.dgn, print3.dgn, printa.dgn, printb.dgn, and prelim.dgn.

The following table shows those file names that are matched when using various reference file name specifications.

Specify To find the following
p.* All six references.

Finds all files beginning with the letter "p" followed by zero or more of any other characters.

print:d.dgn Three references — print1.dgn, print2.dgn, and print3.dgn.

Finds all files beginning with "print" followed by a single digit and then ".dgn."

print:a.dgn Two references — printa.dgn and printb.dgn.

Finds all references beginning with "print" followed by a single alphabetic character and then ".dgn."

print:n.dgn Five references — all but prelim.dgn.

Finds all references beginning with "print" followed by a single alphanumeric character and then ".dgn."