OpenCities Map Help

To Render and Load an Ambient Occlusion Image in Effects Manager

  1. Open the Render Setup Manager dialog.
  2. Select Ambient Occlusion from the list of render setups.
  3. Set the Occlusion Rays and Occlusion Range.
    Note: To use Ambient Occlusion to render an interior scene, you will always want to set the Occlusion Range to a fairly low value depending on the size of the interior, but you can safely use 1.0 meter for most scenes.
  4. In the Luxology Render dialog, select Ambient Occlusion from the Display drop-down. The light setup and environment setup will not matter so they can be left as Untitled.
  5. Render the desired view.
    Note: The rendered view resolution of ambient occlusion image should be set to match the resolution used with Effects Manager.
  6. Use Windows Explorer to navigate to the Luxology history folder.
  7. Copy or cut the most recent BIMG file. This will be the Ambient Occlusion render.
    Tip: You can also check the image preview to see that you have the ambient occlusion render.
  8. Paste the file to the folder with other images rendered in Effects Manager.
  9. (Optional) Give the file a desired name for easy recognition.
  10. From the Effects Manager, click the Load Image Into Set icon.
  11. Navigate to the folder where you rendered the images used by the Effects Manager and select the newly added image.

    Ambient Occlusion Render