OpenCities Map Help

Controlling the Display of Rasters in a DGN

Raster Images used as Background

Any raster image can be attached as a background in a DGN to appear behind design elements. You must set the plane of such images to Background Plane in the Raster Manager dialog. Some examples of raster images can be WMS/WMTS or Bing map attachments.

Raster Images used as a Cell

Smaller images that are intended to serve as a cell or behave as a design element must display above the background. You must set the plane for such images to Design Plane. These images are displayed with design elements and follow display priority rules.

Design Elements

Display of design elements is governed by their associated display priority value. Raster images attached to the Design Plane behave as any other design element. Adjust the display priority of such rasters to control their display order with respect to other design elements.

Display Order of Images on the Background (or Foreground) Plane

(For DGNs with 2D only or 3D only Models)

  • In the Raster Manager dialog - You can drag and reposition images in the sequence they appear in the dialog to change their order of display. You can only perform this operation on images that are attached to the active master model, i.e. it is not possible to do it for the images which are attached in a referenced model.
  • In the Update Sequence dialog - For images that are attached to a referenced DGN, you can drag and reposition the referenced model in the Update Sequence dialog. The display of these images will update with respect to the images in other models. All images in any given model are grouped and cannot be interlaced with images on other models.

Background/Foreground Planes in 3D models:

  • Images on the Background and/or Foreground planes are not affected by the display priority values. Only images on the Design plane are affected by the Priority value. These images are always displayed behind (or in front of) all design elements. It is as if these images do not have a definite position in space. Their display position is behind the furthest design element in the view.
  • Only images on the Design plane are affected by the Priority value and hence their display behavior matches design elements.
  • The Update Sequence dialog can be used to change the display sequence of DGN reference files. The images attached to the Background or Foreground plane in a reference file will honour the sequence set in this dialog. The sequence can be changed by dragging the respective model to a new position.