OpenCities Map Help

Enhanced Dynamic Rubber Bands

The display color and style of the dynamic rubber bands used in the Raster Manager has been enhanced so that they are easier to see. There are currently two different combinations of line styles and line colors available. By default, a black and white dashed line is used, but this can be changed to a solid grey line. The user can change the appearance of the dynamic rubber bands with the “RASTER DYNAMICSTYLE SET” key-in.

  • RASTER DYNAMICSTYLE SET 0 = Dashed style
  • RASTER DYNAMIC COLOR1 — For example, to set color 1 to red, the key-in would be: RASTER DYNAMIC COLOR1 0xff0000
  • RASTER DYNAMIC COLOR2 — For example, to set color 2 to blue, the key-in would be: RASTER DYNAMIC COLOR2 0x0000ff
  • Here is a list of the values for the most common colors: White:0xffffff, Black: 0x000000, Blue:0xff0000, Red:0x0000ff, Green:0x00ff00, and Yellow:0x00ffff.