OpenCities Map Help

Selecting a Printer

The Print dialog lets you work with two types of printers: those controlled via the Windows system and those controlled via a Bentley driver. Typically, in the Print dialog, when you choose:

  • Windows driver — you have access to the functionality of the Windows printer driver to print directly to the system printer device, a print server (ProjectWise InterPlot Server), create an Enhanced Windows metafile, or save the print to disk for later submission to the printer.
  • Bentley driver — you can save the print to disk for later submission to a printer.

Print Organizer lets you work with the same printer driver configuration files as the Print dialog. In Print Organizer, when you choose:

  • Bentley Windows printer driver — you have access to the functionality of the Windows printer driver to print directly to the system printer device, a print server (ProjectWise InterPlot Server), create an Enhanced Windows metafile, or save the print to disk for later submission to the printer.
  • Bentley driver — you can save the print to disk for later submission to a printer.

Each printer driver has a printer driver configuration file. The product delivers default .pltcfg printer driver configuration files into the ..\MicroStation\Default\Pltcfg directory. Existing .plt files are still supported, but they are no longer delivered.

Where necessary, you can edit a printer driver configuration file by choosing File > Edit Printer Driver Configuration from the Print dialog, or by choosing File > Printer Setup from Print Organizer and selecting the Edit icon, which opens an editor with the printer driver configuration file loaded.

For more information, see Selecting a printer for the Print Dialog or Selecting a printer for Print Organizer.