OpenCities Map Help

Context Menu Properties

The following is a list of properties that can be added to a context folder, context menu, or context menu item. The properties that are required have an asterisk before their name. Not all properties are displayed by default.

Property Name Applies to Description
General Settings
Icon Context menu items When you add a context menu item it has no icon by default. You can add an icon through the Define Icon for Tool dialog.
Show/Hide Test Context folders, context menus, and context menu items Determines whether the context folder, context menu, or context menu item is displayed in the right-click menu, based on the test selected in this drop-down menu. The test is based on a named expression or an in-line expression.

An in-line expression is a custom expression that is useful only in a particular situation. It is not useful anywhere else, therefore it is not in the Named Expressions list.

If a red check mark appears on a context folder, then a show/hide test has been set for it. This test affects all menus and menu items within the context folder.

If a show/hide test is set for a context menu, it affects all context menu items within it.

Folder Processing Context folders Determines whether menu items in all the sub-folders should be included or only the ones in the first sub-folder whose Show/Hide test evaluates to True should be included.

When set to All, menu items of all the sub-folders are included.

When set to First Passing, menu items of only the first sub-folder whose Show/Hide test evaluates to true are included.

Enable/Disable Test Context menus and context menu items Determines whether the context menu or context menu item is enabled or disabled in the right-click menu, based on the test selected in this drop-down menu. The test is based on a named expression or an in-line expression.

If an enable/disable test is set for a context menu, it affects all context menu items within it.

Menu Mark Expression Context menu items There are two ways to add a menu mark: by using a named expression or an in-line expression.

If you use a named expression, it returns a Boolean true or false. If it is true a check mark appears next to the menu item.

If you use an in-line expression, it returns a value that corresponds to the menu mark to be displayed. The different values for menu marks are:

  • 2 — check
  • 3 — open circle
  • 4 — filled circle
  • 5 — right arrow
* Priority Context menus and context menu items Determines where the context menu or context menu item will be placed in the right-click menu. The default location is User Common.

The full hierarchy of the context menus and menu items is:

  • Top Group 1
  • Top Group 2
  • Top Group 3
  • Top Group 4
  • Top Group 5
  • User Common
  • Common
  • Element Specific
  • User Selection
  • Selection
  • User Clipboard
  • Clipboard
  • User Delete
  • Delete
  • User Properties
  • Properties
  • Bottom Group 1
  • Bottom Group 2
  • Bottom Group 3
  • Bottom Group 4
  • Bottom Group 5

Out of these, Common, Element Specific, Selection, Clipboard, Delete, and Properties are the six standard sections of the right-click menu. If you select one of the six standard sections, your context menu or context menu item is placed within that section.

If you select a section beginning with the word "User," the context menu or context menu item is placed in a custom section above the standard section with the same name.

Top Groups 1-5 are five generic priorities for context menus and are placed above the User Common  menus or menu items.

Bottom Groups 1-5 are five generic priorities for context menus and are placed below the Properties menu or menu items.

Context menu items appear in the same section as their parent context menu.

Tool Path Standard tools copied to context menus When a tool is copied to a context menu, shows the toolbox from which this tool was copied and the tool's name. Can be changed to point to a different tool.
Command Data
Key-in Context menu items Used to activate a key-in from a context menu item. Can be added or changed by keying in. The default is null .