OpenCities Map Help

AccuSnap Feel Settings

Using the controls in the Feel group of the AccuSnap settings you can set AccuSnap's sensitivity when snapping to elements, as follows:

  • Keypoint sensitivity — lets you adjust how close the screen pointer must be, to the snap point, before AccuSnap snaps to it.

  • Stickiness — lets you adjust the sensitivity of AccuSnap to the current element. When you have snapped to an element, as long as you move the pointer along that element, the snap system will have a preference for that element over other elements that may have snap points closer to the pointer. The further to the right (+) that you set the Stickiness slider, the further away from the element the pointer may be before AccuSnap will snap to another element.

  • Snap Tolerance — lets you adjust how close the pointer must be to an element in order to snap a tentative point to it.