OpenCities Map Help

Using Callouts in 3D

The callouts placed in sheet models and drawing models can be viewed in the design model. You can also create new callouts in a design model in the same way as you create them in a sheet or drawing model. The Mini toolbar for callouts contains tools for using callouts and their saved views in 3D and 2D models.

Viewing Sheet Annotations in a 3D Design Model

The annotations applied in a drawing or sheet model can be viewed in a 3D design model using the Display Sheet Annotations tool in the Mini toolbar.

The annotations in the model selected in the Open Target drop-down are displayed using this tool. So if the Open Target drop-down list has a drawing model selected, the annotations in that drawing model only are displayed. Similarly, if the Open Target drop-down has a sheet model selected, the annotations available in the sheet model are displayed. Also, if this sheet model has a drawing model attached, then the annotations in the drawing model are also displayed.

Opening a Reference Sheet or Drawing Model from a Marker in a 3D Design Model

The Open Target tool in the Mini toolbar can be used to open a drawing or sheet model from a callout in a 3D design model. The drop-down next to the Open Target icon lists the models in which the saved view is placed.

The model selected in the drop-down list of this tool is used by other tools in the Mini toolbar. For example, the Display Sheet Annotations tool displays the annotations displayed in the model selected in this drop-down list, and the Apply View tool uses the model selected in this drop-down list to get the view attributes settings, level settings, and annotations.

Clipping a Model from a Callout in a 3D Design Model

In a 3D design model, you can clip a model along the boundary of a callout using the Clip Model by Callout tool in the Mini toolbar.

Opening a 3D Design Model from a Callout in a Drawing or Sheet Model

The Open Design Model tool in the Mini toolbar can be used to open a 3D design model from a callout placed in a drawing or sheet model. The 3D design model that opens is the model that contains the callout’s saved view. The saved view that is referenced in the drawing or sheet model selected in the Open Target drop-down is displayed in the 3D design model.

If you select the tool from the Mini toolbar of a drawing boundary, then the saved view is opened in a 3D design models in a right-isometric view relative to the cut direction of the applied view.

Opening a Sheet Model from a Drawing Boundary

The Open Sheet Model tool can be used to open the sheet model from a drawing boundary displayed in a 3D design model. In a 3D design model, when you display annotations of a sheet model using the Display Sheet Annotations tool, the drawing boundary is displayed. The Mini toolbar on this drawing boundary displays the Open Sheet Model tool.

Opening a Drawing Model from a Drawing Boundary

The Open Drawing Model tool in the Mini toolbar can be used to open the referenced drawing model from the drawing boundary.

The tool opens the drawing model and fits the reference in the view window. If the reference does not have any elements you get a message in the status bar that it is unable to fit as no elements are found.