OpenCities Map Help

To Add a Chamfer at the Intersection of Two Lines

  1. Select the Chamfer Constrained Geometry tool.
  2. In the Distance 1 and 2 fields, enter the required values.
  3. Select the first line of the intersection.
  4. Select the second line of the intersection, then accept with a data point.

    If Create Dimensions is off, the intersection is chamfered with no dimensions created.

    If Create Dimensions is on, accepting the second line of the intersection opens the Choose Parameter Name dialog.

  5. Enter a name for the first constraint and click OK.

    The Choose Parameter Name dialog remains open for you to name the second constraint.

  6. Enter a name for the second constraint and click OK.

    The intersecting lines are chamfered, and the dimensions are displayed with their respective names below (for example, “cham1 = 0.5000”). If no names are entered for the constraints, a generic name is given (for example, “Distance21”) and only the dimensions are displayed.