OpenCities Map Help

Extrude Feature

Used to construct a parametric solid by linearly extruding an element a defined distance. Elements that may be extruded include:

  • A closed profile element (shape, complex shape, circle, ellipse, or B-spline curve) in the design.
  • An open profile element (line, line string, curve, or B-spline curve).
  • A set of selected profile elements.
  • A multi-line or text element if the text is a True-Type font (*.ttf).
  • A planar cell.
  • A dimension-driven profile drawn with the Sketch Profile tool.
  • A dimension-driven cell in the attached cell library, a cell library in the cell library list (MS_CELLLIST), or another instance of a dimension-driven cell in the active design.

You can use the Modify Profile tool to extract a profile, in order to modify it, or to replace it with another profile. When a dimension-driven cell is used to create the extrusion, you also can modify the profile's parameters, again with the Modify Profile tool. After modifying the profile, or replacing it, the extruded solid is regenerated with the new values or profile.

Distance If on, sets the distance the profile is extruded.
Thickness Sets the wall thickness when a hollow solid, or a surface with thickness is required.
  • Positive values produce an extrusion with the wall offset outwards from the profile.
  • Negative values produce an extrusion with the wall offset inwards from the profile.
  • A value of zero creates a solid (with closed profiles) or a surface (with open profiles).
Draft Angle Sets the angle of the extrusion relative to orthogonal (can be negative as well as positive).

Side on view showing the effect of Draft Angle (D) on upward extrusion with positive value (left) and negative value (right).

Isometric hidden line view showing extrusion with positive (left) and negative (right) draft angle.

Equation icons

Located adjacent to the Distance, Thickness, and Draft Angle settings. Each icon is enabled when the profile is selected. For the distance equation icon to be enabled, Distance also must be turned on. Opens a dialog that optionally lets you define each setting with variables. For more information, see Variable Driven Modeling and Constraints.
Cell If on, the active cell is extruded. A new active cell can be typed in the text field.
Browse Cell(s) icon

(Cell on only) Opens the Select Profile dialog, which lets you select a profile from the attached cell library, or from any shared cells present in the model. Where a dimension driven cell is chosen, you can edit its parameters.
Keep Profile (Cell off only) If on, the original profile is retained in the model.