OpenCities Map Help

Place Detail Callout

Used to place a detail callout and, optionally, create a saved view and automate dynamic views. When saved views are added to a sheet, existing detail callouts that have empty fields are updated with relevant information.

You can access this tool from the following:

  • Ribbon: Drawing > Annotate > Detailing
  • Toolbox: Detailing Symbols

When you place a detail callout and automate dynamic views, depending on the drawing seed selected, either a 2D detail view or a 3D detail view is created.

You can create steps or gaps in the section callout by pressing and holding the <Ctrl> while creating the section callout. The steps created in the callout can be merged using step handles provided on the steps.

Drawing Seed Defines the seed file from which the detailing symbol style will be used for the detail callout. The drawing seed can be a 2D detail callout drawing seed or a 3D detail callout drawing seed. If None is selected, a 2D detail view is created. If you are in a 3D design model, only 3D detail callout drawing seeds are displayed.
Detailing Symbol Style Defines the detailing symbol from the drawing seed. This style will be used by the detail callout.
Show Detailing Symbol Style Settings (icon)

Opens the Detailing Symbol Styles dialog, in which you can create or edit a detailing symbol style.
3D Detail (Available only when you are in a DGNLib file) If on, creates a 3D detail callout drawing seed. If off, creates a 2D detail callout drawing seed.
Height (Available only when a 3D detail callout drawing seed is selected) Sets the height or extent to which the callout clips the model. It has the following options:
  • From View — The height is the same as the extent of the source saved view that is clipped by the callout.
  • From Model — The entire model is clipped.
  • User Defined — The value that you enter in the Height field becomes the height or extent to which the model is clipped.
Height (text field) (Available only when the Height drop-down is set to User Defined) Enter the value of the height or extent to which the callout should clip the model.
Annotation Scale (icon)

Used to turn on annotation scale. When this lock is on, the annotation scale is applied to the detail callout.

By default, the annotation scale is taken from the model's Annotation Scale setting. You can change it only in the model's properties in the Properties dialog. The exception is when the model's Propagate Annotation Scale property is off. In that case, the annotation scale can be controlled independently for each element via its properties.

Draw Circle Sets a circle as the detail callout shape.
Draw Ellipse Sets an ellipse as the detail callout shape.
Draw Rectangle Sets a rectangle as the detail callout shape.
Select Existing Boundary If selected, enables graphical selection of an existing closed element defining the boundary of the detail area.
Create Drawing If on, the Create Drawing dialog opens after creating the detail callout. This dialog is used for automating dynamic views. This check box is dimmed if the Drawing Seed option is set to none or if you are in an overlay file.
Tolerance (Available only when a point cloud is referenced in the model) Allows you to enter the maximum distance, in working units, from each side of the cut plane to points that will be considered as part of the plane.
Project Points to Cut Plane (Available only when a point cloud is referenced in the model) If on, the points within the specified tolerance range will be projected on the cut plane. If off, the points will be displayed at their real 3D location.
Note: You can snap on the points only if they are projected.