OpenCities Map Help

Cylinder Feature

Used to place an orthogonal parametric cylinder.

Axis Sets the direction of the cylinder's axis (height).
  • Points — Direction of axis is defined graphically. AccuDraw can be used to define the drawing plane on which the points are placed.
  • Screen X, Y, or Z — Direction of the axis is set to the screen's X, Y, or Z axis.
  • Drawing X, Y, or Z — Direction of the axis is set to the drawing's (or model's) X, Y, or Z axis.
Radius If on, sets the radius.
Height If on, sets the height.
Equation icons

Located adjacent to the Radius and Height settings. Each icon is enabled when the relevant setting is turned on. Opens a dialog that lets you define each setting with variables. For more information, see Variable Driven Modeling and Constraints.