OpenCities Map Help

Issue Dialog

Used to create and manage Issues.

You can access this dialog from the following:

  • Ribbon: Drawing > Collaborate > Collaboration
  • Ribbon: Modeling > Collaborate > Collaboration
  • Ribbon: General > Collaborate > Collaboration
  • Ribbon: Visualization > Collaborate > Collaboration
  • Manage Issues Dialog: Create New
  • Right-click on an issue in the Manage Issues dialog and select Open from the pop-up menu.

Issue dialog

Details tab Allows you to fill in details regarding the issue:
Note: The fields in the Details section can be created in the ProjectWise Project (previously called CONNECTED project) on the CONNECT Portal. Different projects can have different fields. Some examples of fields are Priority, Due Date, Assigned To, Cost, and so on.
Attachments tab Allows you to attach any images or screen shots with an issue.
  • Capture the screen -

    Allows you to take a screenshot of the concerned area and create an attachment.

  • Attach image from file -

    Allows you to browse an image file to attach to the issue.

  • Reload Attachments-

    Refreshes the list of attachments.

Comments tab Allows you to add comments to the issues. It also displays the comments associated with the issue.
Audit Trail Shows the actions and other details associated with the issue.