OpenCities Map Help

Animation Producer Dialog, Velocity Graph Section

Contains controls that let you manipulate the velocity settings of a path or key frame. Displays when View > Velocity Graph is selected in the Animation Producer dialog.

Velocity curves display when animated items are selected from the tree view.

Selecting multiple items in the tree view, displays multiple curves in the graph.

You can use a right-click menu from the Storyboard Panel entries, that lets you select from Value/Rotation/Scale Curve. Rotation and Scale curves are available only for keyframes.

Y axis options This option menu defines the scale for the Y-axis of the Velocity Graph.
  • Percentage — Sets the scale as a percentage of the total curve. This is the only mode for certain types of curves.
  • Value — Sets the scale as a value of the total distance of the curve. This is only available for certain types of curves.
Zoom in on the velocity curves

Zooms in on the velocity curves to reveal more detail.
Zoom out on the velocity curves

Zooms out of the velocity curves.
Fit to all the curves displayed

Fits the entire animation into the velocity graph view.