OpenCities Map Help

About OpenCities Map Window

Used to show information about the product.

You can access this dialog from the following:
  • Ribbon: File > Help > About

The following information is shown:

  • version number
  • registered user name, site or organization, and, if applicable, SELECTserver host name.
  • memory statistics
  • path, filename, and dimensionality of the open file
  • copyright information
  • trademark notice
Details Opens the Licensing Details window, which shows details related to the product license.
Properties Opens the Properties dialog which shows usage statistics about the open file.
Legal and Patent Notices Opens the Legal and Patent Notices window, which shows more information about the product, such as the location of the End User License Agreement, special conditions and restrictions associated with the Department of Defense, and acknowledgements.
System Info Opens a window that displays system memory statistics and the Windows System Information utility.