OpenCities Map CONNECT Edition Help

Manage Material Tables Dialog

Used to manage internal material tables in a DGN file.

You can access this dialog from the following:
  • Material Editor dialog: Table > Manage

Create new table icon

Used to create a new material assignment table. Opens the New Table dialog that lets you input a Name and (optionally) Description for your new table.
Copy selected table icon

Used to copy the selected table in the list. Opens the Copy Table dialog that lets you input a Name and (optionally) Description for the copy.
Delete selected table icon

Deletes the selected material table.
Import external (.mat) table icon

Used to import an external material table (.mat file).
Export to external (.mat) table icon

Used to export local table(s) to external (.mat) files.
Activate selected table icon

Makes the selected material active in the Material Editor dialog.