OpenCities Map CONNECT Edition Help

Tone Map Animation Frames Dialog

Used to apply tone mapping and create animation frames of desired output format.

You can access this dialog from the following:
  • Animation Producer dialog: File > Tone Map BIMG Files

Browse for (.bimg) file Clicking the icon opens the Record Filename dialog from which you can select the .bimg file.
Select image output file Clicking the icon opens the Record Filename dialog from which you can select the folder of output image file and the file type.
Tone Mapping Mode There are three options to apply tone mapping:
  • Brightness Adaptation sets the brightness for the middle of the range.
  • Drago tone mapping imitates the response of the human eye.
  • Reinhard tone mapping is one of the most prevalent and it works best with complete images where all pixels are lit; does not work well when you have many unlit background pixels.
Brightness (Tone Mapping Mode set to Brightness Adaptation) Controls the brightness for the rendering.
Contrast (Tone Mapping Mode set to Brightness Adaptation and Reinhard) Controls the contrast for the rendering.
Gamma Used to adjust for differences in display hardware.
Exposure (Tone Mapping Mode set to Drago) Controls the brightness of the output image.
Intensity (Tone Mapping Mode set to Reinhard) Controls the overall image intensity for the rendering.
Bloom Bloom occurs when a very bright part of an image neighbors a very dark part and the bright part appears to glow. If on, Bloom simulates this effect by removing excess energy from a pixel and distributes it around to its neighbors.
Threshold Sets the lower threshold to which pixels are affected by Bloom. Lower values mean less bright pixels will be affected by bloom.
Radius Sets the distance in pixels that energy is distributed, in effect controlling the size of the glow. Increasing this value enlarges the bloom effect.