OpenCities Map CONNECT Edition Help

Precision Input of Relative Coordinate Values

When you use the XY = x,y,z key-in, you can specify relative coordinate values as well as absolute values. That is, you can specify that the new value either is the exact value as given, or that it is plus or minus a specified distance from a snap point. You do this by using the "#" symbol to indicate "the current value of the coordinate." The syntax for these key-ins is:

  • # — means leave the coordinate x,y, or z value as is.
  • #10 — means add 10 to the current value of the x, y, or z coordinate.
  • #-10 — means subtract 10 from the current value of the x, y, or z coordinate.

The following examples illustrate the use of the # symbol in these key-ins:

  • XY=#,10 — (2D) keep the same x value, but make the y value 10.
  • XY=#,10 — (3D) keep the same x value, but make the y value 10, and the z value 0.
  • XY=#,#10 — (2D) keep the same x value but add 10 to the y coordinate.
  • XY=#-10,#20 — (2D) subtract 10 from the x coordinate and add 20 to the y coordinate.
  • XY=#10,#10,50 — (3D) add 10 to the x and y coordinates and make the z coordinate 50.

You can use key-ins that incorporate the # symbol in the Data Point Keyin dialog also.