OpenCities Map CONNECT Edition Help

Zoom Scale

The View Attributes dialog provides an option to set the Zoom Scale for the selected view. Each view can have its own zoom scale.

Key-in the desired zoom scale and select Apply. The zoom scale is applied to the view specified at the top of the View Attributes dialog.

The view updates about its center and the scale is displayed in the view title bar.

Key-ins associated with the zoom scale are:

Key-in Description
geoanalysis manager zoomtoscale viewnum,scale Sets the view zoom scale. For example, the following sets view 5 to 1:2000
  • geoanalysis manager zoomtoscale 5,2000
geoanalysis manager zoomscaledisplay viewnum Turns on the zoom scale display in the view title bar.
geoanalysis manager zoomscalehide viewnum Turns off the zoom scale display in the view title bar.