OpenCities Map CONNECT Edition Help

Graphical Input with a Mouse

The default button mapping listed in the Button Mappings dialog are appropriate for a two-button mouse, and allow you to simulate having a third mouse button:

  • The Data button, which is used to enter data points, is mapped to the left-hand mouse button.
  • The Reset button, which is used for resetting and for accessing the Reset pop-up menu and the view control pop-up menu, is mapped to the right-hand mouse button.
  • The Tentative button, which is used to enter tentative snap points , is invoked by clicking the left-hand and right-hand mouse buttons at the same time. This is called a button "chord" and serves as a third button.

If you are using a three-button mouse, you may want to change Tentative to use a single button (rather than the two-button chord) for faster operation.

Note: If you are using a mouse driver that allows you to make button assignments, you must set them back to their default settings. If you do not, your mouse driver's button assignments will override your OpenCities Map button assignments.
Note: Some mouse devices with three or more buttons require additional configuration in Windows to be recognized appropriately. For specific details select File > Help > Product Support.

Using a Scrolling Mouse

If your mouse has a wheel, you can use the mouse wheel as the middle mouse button or as a wheel for scrolling to manipulate view windows and dialog scroll bars. You can also use it to zoom in and out of designs and enter tentative snap points.

You can either choose to accept the default settings for the mouse wheel or you can customize the button assignments.

You must have the required drivers for your mouse already installed on your system.

Default Mouse Button Assignments and Key Combinations

Other types of input are possible by combining mouse clicks and mouse wheel movement with key combinations. Here is the list of system default mouse button assignments:

  Left mouse button Right mouse button Tentative button Middle/Mouse wheel button Mouse wheel
click Data button or click Reset button or right-click . . .
press and hold . Displays the Reset pop-up menu . . .
double-click . . . FIT VIEW .
drag Define start and end points (two data points) . . pan .
scroll . . . . Zoom in/out
<Shift>+click . Displays the view control pop-up menu Opens the Snap Modes menu . .
<Shift>+drag Pan scroll (dynamic panning) . . Dynamically rotate view .
<Shift>+scroll . . . . Pan with zoom
<Ctrl>+click Reserved for selection logic and following hyperlinks Displays the Main toolbox at the pointer location Sets AccuDraw's origin to the resulting tentative point . .
<Ctrl>+drag . . . Swivel view camera (3D only) .
<Ctrl>+scroll . . . . Zoom in/out
<Alt>+click MATCH ATTRIBUTES FROMCURSOR ELEMENT QUICKINFO FROMCURSOR (Opens the Quick Info dialog — a user-defined subset of the Properties dialog — at the pointer location) Places 3D data points . .
<Alt>+drag . . . ROTATE VIEW EXTENDED .
<Alt>+scroll . . . . Pan left/right
<Shift+Ctrl> Turn AccuSnap on/off Displays the Task List's current task at the pointer location. . . .
<Shift+Ctrl>+ drag Selection by overlapping rectangle ( Element Selection tool only) . . . .
Tip: Creating alternate button assignments for button-key combinations that already have special meaning in OpenCities Map is not recommended. For example, you should not change <Ctrl>+Data button, which is reserved for selection logic, or <Shift>+Reset button, which displays the view control pop-up menu.

Displaying Pop-up Menus to Left or Right

The pop-up menus such as tooltips and drop-downs on ribbon components, Welcome page, Work page, and others can be displayed on the left or the right of the cursor. This is particularly useful while using a Tablet PC and is controlled by the Handedness setting in the Tablet PC Settings dialog of Windows operating system. If it is set to "Right-handed", menus will pop up to the left so that the hand doesn't obscure the menu. If it is set to "Left-handed", menus will pop up to the right. By default, it is set to Left-handed. On the desktop computers or laptops, OpenCities Map always displays it as left-handed.