OpenCities Map CONNECT Edition Help

Measure Area

Used to measure area and perimeter.

You can access this tool from the following:

  • Ribbon: Drawing > Analyze > Measure
  • Toolbox: Measure

Measurements of referenced perspective saved views are not supported.

Method Sets the area that is measured.
  • Element - Area of one closed element (its Area attribute must be Solid). It is the planar area of shapes, ellipses, and complex shapes. For 3D surfaces or solids, it is the total surface area in all dimensions.
  • Fence - (Fence present only) Area enclosed by the active fence, other than a named fence, or a fence created from an element.
  • Intersection - Area bounded by the intersection of two or more closed planar elements.
Where more than two elements are involved, use <Ctrl+data point> to select the extra elements.
  • Union - Area bounded by the union of two or more closed planar elements.
Where more than two elements are involved, use <Ctrl+data point> to select the extra elements.
  • Difference - Area bounded by the difference between two or more closed planar elements.
Where more than two elements are involved, use <Ctrl+data point> to select the extra elements.
  • Flood - Area enclosed by elements that either touch one another or whose endpoints fall within the Maximum Gap.
  • Points - Planar area with its vertices defined by a series of data points. Where the points are input in a figure 8 type shape, then the total area of the two loops is calculated.
Mass Properties If on, the mass property analysis displays in the Mass Properties window.
Display Centroid If on, a graphic crosshair that represents the measured element's center of mass is displayed.
Flatten Direction Sets how measurements for area are reported.
  • None - Measures the true area in 2D and 3D sheet and design models.
  • View Z - Measures the projected area based on the view rotation. Not recommended for use in 3D design models. For 3D data referenced to a 2D Design model or 2D sheet model or 3D sheet model the projected distance is reported.
  • ACS Z - Measures about the active Auxiliary Coordinate System (ACS) or in the ACS XY plane. Results are projected about the ACS Z or on the ACS XY plane.
  • AccuDraw Z - Measures about the AccuDraw compass XY or about AccuDraw Z. Results are projected about the AccuDraw Z or on the AccuDraw XY plane.
Area Unit Sets the units used to display the last area measured.
  • square <master units>
  • square m - (Metric units only) Square meters.
  • Acre (US) - (English units only)
  • Hectare - (Metric units only)
Area Displays the result of the last area measured. The unit of measurement displayed in this field can be controlled by the MS_MEASURE_AREA_UNIT2 configuration variable.
Perimeter Unit Sets the units used to display the perimeter length for the last area measured.
Perimeter Displays the perimeter length for the last area measured.
Locate Interior Shapes (Method set to Flood only) If on, the area enclosed by the bounding elements is calculated, minus the area of any closed elements inside the bounding area.
Dynamic Area (Method set to Flood only) If on, the area to be included displays dynamically as you move the screen pointer over the view.
Max(imum) Gap (Method set to Flood only) Sets the largest distance allowed between consecutive elements. If zero, the elements must connect to bind an area.