OpenCities Map CONNECT Edition Help

To Save Export Settings

Export settings can be saved to an .expx file which saves information about the selected features to export such as the properties selected, mapped name, where clause and spatial critiera. This allows the export process to be reused.

The use of export settings files is the same as import settings files.

To save export settings:

  1. Add the files or folder to an export process. Define the spatial criteria, export parameters, feature parameters, and property parameters as required.
  2. Right-click the export process and select Save As XML
  3. In the Save As dialog, select a folder, enter a file name and click Save. An expx file is created.

To export using an export settings file:

  1. Right-click on the Exports folder and select Open Export.
  2. Select the .expx file and click Open. 

    The export settings file opens and applies stored settings.

  3. Right-click on the export process and select Export.