OpenCities Map CONNECT Edition Help

Typical MicroStation Workspace Operation

After a workspace has been defined in OpenCities Geospatial Administrator and the appropriate files and macros have been defined, the workspace is exported. The following process is executed. The actual commands being executed can be shown by turning verbose on (Tools > Options > Verbose) and then displaying the message center by double-clicking in the lower left corner.

  1. A folder named after the workspace is created in the workspace root as defined in the Project Information tab. By default, the Workspace Root Directory is defined by the variable _USTN_WORKSPACESROOT.
  2. Subfolders and XML files are created for the various Map features, methods, and operations as defined in the All Users node.
    ExportXmlCommand successfully created C:\ProgramData\Bentley\Map CONNECT Edition\Configuration\WorkSpaces\EastCity_XFM\xml\features\features.xml
    ExportXmlCommand successfully created C:\ProgramData\Bentley\Map CONNECT Edition\Configuration\WorkSpaces\EastCity_XFM\xml\methods\methods.xml
  3. Subfolders are created and files copied for the various folders described in the workset Files node:
    ExportFileCommand successfully copied D:\Daily Work\Map Source Files\EastCity_XFM\dgnlib\EastCity.dgnlib to C:\ProgramData\Bentley\Map CONNECT Edition\Configuration\WorkSpaces\EastCity\WorkSets\GIS\dgnlib\EastCity.dgnlib
    ExportFileCommand successfully copied D:\Daily Work\Map Source Files\EastCity_XFM\cell\EastCity.cel to C:\ProgramData\Bentley\Map CONNECT Edition\Configuration\WorkSpaces\EastCity\WorkSets\GIS\cell\EastCity.cel
    ExportFileCommand successfully copied D:\Daily Work\Map Source Files\EastCity_XFM\seed\EastCity_Seed2d.dgn to C:\ProgramData\Bentley\Map CONNECT Edition\Configuration\WorkSpaces\EastCity\WorkSets\GIS\seed\EastCity_Seed2d.dgn
    ExportFileCommand successfully copied D:\Daily Work\Map Source Files\EastCity_XFM\seed\EastCity_Seed2d.dgn to C:\ProgramData\Bentley\Map CONNECT Edition\Configuration\WorkSpaces\EastCity\WorkSets\GIS\dgn\work.dgn
  4. A workspace configuration file (.CFG) is created in the workspace root folder defined by MS_GEOWSHOME: XXXXX
    ExportFileCommand successfully exported to C:\ProgramData\Bentley\Map CONNECT Edition\Configuration\WorkSpaces\EastCity.cfg
  5. A workset configuration file (.CFG) is created in the Worksets folder. The name is defined by the workset name as defined in the User Worksets node. XXXXX
    ExportFileCommand successfully exported to C:\ProgramData\Bentley\Map CONNECT Edition\Configuration\WorkSpaces\EastCity\WorkSets\GIS.cfg
  6. Optionally, a shortcut can be created using the Shortcut tool.
Note: Valid command line arguments can be reviewed by running the following from a command line: MapAdvanced.exe /?