OpenCities Map CONNECT Edition Help

Design History Dialog

Used to track and view the incremental changes made to all models in a file, as well as changes to attached references. In addition, you can restore a model to a prior state. This state can be controlled by a combination of Redo and Undo commands, a combination of prior selected (or unselected) states, and with a fence. Changes also can be tracked down to the element level. Pending changes are seen by clicking the "Recent" description.

You can access this dialog from the following:
  • Ribbon: Drawing > Utilities > Design History dialog launcher
  • Status bar: click the Design History icon and select Design History
  • Toolbox: Design History

For more information on working with design history, see Restoring Recorded Changes and Using Design History in Projects.

Commit changes as a revision to design history

Opens the Commit changes dialog, which allows you to commit the changes and record a description of them.
Use color-coding to show changes

Lets you display or hide elements added (in green), deleted (in red), or modified (in blue) in the selected revision.
Note: The MS_DESIGN_HISTORY_COLORS configuration variable can be used to change the design history display colors.
Show elements that were added

(Available only if Use color-coding to show changes is on) Displays, in green, the elements added in the selected revision.
Show elements that were deleted

(Available only if Use color-coding to show changes is on) Displays, in red, the elements deleted in the selected revision.
Show elements that were modified

(Available only if Use color-coding to show changes is on) Displays, in blue, the elements modified in the revision.
Show elements before they were modified

(Available only if Use color-coding to show changes is on) Displays, in cyan, the elements in the selected revision as they appeared before they were modified.
Show revisions in reference files

Displays the history of attached references that have design history. The File column lists the references' names.
List Filter

Lists the revisions according to selected criteria. Search options include: by revision, by file, by date, by author, by description, and by tag.

Searches with dates and times are handled as follows:

  • 2000 - All dates with the year 2000.
  • 2000/07 - All dates with the year 2000 and month 07.
  • */07 - All dates with the month 07.
  • */*/*21 - All dates with the date 21.
  • T04 - All dates with the time of 04 hours.
  • T04:21 - All dates with the time of 04 hours and 21 minutes.
  • T14:16:10 - All dates with the time of 14 hours, 16 min. and 10 sec.
  • */08/21T05 - All dates with the month 08, date 21, and time of 05 hours.

The comparison operators > , >=, <, <=, and != are also supported in date/time expressions. Thus:

  • >2000 - All dates with the year >2000.
  • <=*/07/21 - All dates with month <= 07 and date <= 21.
Isolate history by fence or selection

Shows the history of the selected elements.
Undo selected historic changes

Undoes the selected changes.
Redo selected historic changes

Redoes the selected changes.
Fit View

Zooms to the selected changes. Clicking this view control will switch models, if necessary, so that you can see the selected elements or revisions.
Show elements changed in selected revisions

Selects the elements that have changed according to the color coding indicated above. Opens the Element Changes dialog.
Revision Properties

Opens the Revision Properties dialog, which allows you to view and change the author and description if the MS_DESIGN_HISTORY configuration variable is set to allow this.
HISTORY MANAGE SET DESCRIPTION [ tag_name ] [ description ]
List box Contents of the list box include:
  • Revision — Lists the revisions for the model, and also for attached references if Show revisions in reference files is on. Each revision in the file history is assigned a two-part number. The first part is the version number; the second part is the revision number. Revision numbers increase as revisions are added, from the earliest change to the most recent change. You can set the revision number in the Set Revision Number dialog (Utilities > Design History > Set Revision Number). By default, the first revision in any design's history is 1.1, the second is 1.2, and so on. Revision number 1.0 refers by default to the original state of the file when history was initialized.
  • File — Lists the name of the DGN file associated with the revision. The list can include the name of the open file, as well as references that have design history.
  • Date — Lists the date and time of the revision.
  • Author — Lists the person who saved the revision.
  • Description — Describes the reasons for the revision. If the description is "Recent," it represents a pending set of changes that have not yet been committed. If the Element Changes dialog is open, you can view the elements with pending changes.
  • Tags — Displays all tags that refer to the revision. Tags are created in the Design History Tags dialog.
Pop-up menu Right-clicking a revision in the list box presents a list of actions that you can perform.
  • Revision Properties — The effect is the same as clicking the Revision Properties icon.
  • Element Changes — The effect is the same as clicking the Show elements changed in selected revisions icon.
  • Check for Changes — For more information, refer to the ProjectWise Explorer help document.
  • Refresh Local Copy — (ProjectWise only) Used to refresh the open file with the most recent changes from the ProjectWise server's copy of the file. This item is enabled when another user saves their changes to ProjectWise, making your local copy of the file out of sync with the server copy. For more information, refer to the ProjectWise Explorer help document.
  • Update Server Copy — (ProjectWise only) Used to save any changes in the open file to ProjectWise, without having to close or check in the file. This item is enabled when there are changes in the file that have not yet been saved to ProjectWise. For more information, refer to the ProjectWise Explorer help document.