OpenBuildings™ Station Designer Help

To Rotate Axes in Curtain Wall

The panels in the curtain wall can be rotated along mullion axes in circular direction within curtain wall frame, to get a revised panel arrangements.

Rotate axes allows dragging the entire panels and mullions in circular direction with rearranged layout.

  1. After a curtain wall is placed, select the frame and highlight the corner edit handle. The mini toolbar opens for selected corner point.
  2. To rotate select the (Rotate Axes) tool for the grip handle at one of the top corners. The cursor changes which can be dragged in circular-direction within frame.
  3. Move the cursor to a desired displacement (remains within frame boundary). The projected layout appears with dotted grid as you move the cursor.
  4. Click the data point to accept the movement. The resultant curtain wall rearranges the layout of relocated mullions and resized panels, fitting within the frame.

Alternatively, you can simply select the curtain wall and then select the (Rotate Axes) tool from the Modification > Modify Selected > Modify Curtain Wall ribbon.

If desired rotation is not achieved then you can simply select the curtain wall and then select the (Reset Rotate Axes) tool from the Modification > Modify Selected > Modify Curtain Wall ribbon to reset the rotation to previous state.