OpenBuildings™ Station Designer Help

Flyover Preferences Dialog

A Flyover is an information bubble that dynamically displays element information when the pointer passes over model elements. You can customize the quantity and type of information provided.

OpenBuildings Station Designer Update 8 unifies all element flyover control for all disciplines into a single dialog, letting you define your own flyovers using DataGroup and Element properties.

Accessed from:
  • Backstage: File > Settings > Building > Flyover Preferences

In left pane under the General >Default some default properties are available which appears as Flyover info for all the elements regardless of any discipline. You can add/remove those properties.

Then there are discipline nodes under which you can add any catalog type from that discipline and any dg properties for that catalog type. And this info appears as flyover text for selected catalog type.


Saves the changes made for selected catalog type and all its settings in the DGN file
Activates when Discipline node is selected (e.g Architectural , Structural). It opens Catalog type dialog for selected discipline. You can add catalog type from the list for which specific Flyover information is needed.

Add Property
Opens Properties dialog. You can pick any properties for Flyover. You can access all properties from selected catalog type, and also hiddenDG properties (such as cell name),quantity properties (volume, area, length, etc) .

Add Separator Property
Adds a separator line between Flyover text to simplify reading
Move Property Up

Moves the property definition up one position in this dialog's hierarchy .
Move Property Down

Moves the property definition down one position in this dialog's hierarchy .

Deletes the selected property type, or catalog type.
Open Settings Window

Opens settings dialog

  • Repeat Count:- Default value is 10, you can input any value.
  • Separator Value:- Default is '-+'. It can also be like '-- '.
Properties The Properties section displays the properties of the selected node from left pane.

Shows the properties in categorized fashion.

Shows the properties in alphabetical fashion.
Properties > Property Attributes Displays the parameters and values of the selected property.
  • Name - Shows the actual name of selected property.
  • Label- Shows the catalog type name.
  • Show Label -When on shows labels on each property.
  • Rounding -This property works for rounding off decimal type, e.g.: volume, area and working units type schema values. if you select 0.1, it will round off the value to 1 decimal place. last 5 values are for fractional rounding.
  • Show Description- When on shows description of each property.
  • Repeat Count:-Sets repeat count number for separator type.