OpenBuildings™ Station Designer Help

OpenBuildings Station Designer Template Scripts

OpenBuildings GenerativeComponents template scripts are delivered with OpenBuildings Station Designer. To access these scripts you must install the Companion Feature OpenBuildings GenerativeComponents when installing OpenBuildings Station Designer. If OpenBuildings GenerativeComponents is not installed, it can be installed by using the Modify option of the installer to add OpenBuildings GenerativeComponents retroactively.

Scripts are delivered in the "Station_Designer" dataset extension's Seed folder. They are provided based on the concept of "learning scripting through copy/paste/modify". The "copy/paste" is done by creating a new file using a script template as seed file.

The three template scripts are for:

  1. Generating a crossing passage between two circular tunnel alignments. See Cross Passage Template Script .
  2. Placing a tunnel liner, ballast, and sleepers along a tunnel alignment. See Platform Design Script.
  3. Placing guiding geometry for a properly sloped platform. See Tunnel Script.

Template files are located in the default installation path: C:\ProgramData\Bentley\OpenBuildings CONNECT Edition\Configuration\Datasets\DatasetExtensions\Station_Designer\Seed\

All scripts generate geometry on Levels. Level names are parametric inputs and can be adjusted to match project requirements. Level assignments are the easiest way to control visibility for generated geometry. Levels are maintained when geometry is exported.

Note: The ease of manipulating the content or erasing it by un-playing the scripts makes OpenBuildings GenerativeComponents script files unreliable candidates for direct referencing into a project context. Therefore, all scripts export the main geometry they generate. Most of the supporting OpenBuildings GenerativeComponents constructions are not exported because they are meaningless outside of the parametric construction context. The Export nodes are set to manual export, which means that you need to press the Export button on the Export nodes to write the geometry to a DGN file.
Tip: The scripts are self-documenting, using meaningful names throughout. Several of the scripts include in their list of Transactions additional comments denoting purpose of sections of transactions.

Alignment geometry can be modified by changing the input to the ReferenceAttachment node in the scripts. The low and high points for the respective Range nodes may need to be adjusted so that the referenced alignments are properly captured. PolyLine.FromElementsInRange are set to use the ranges in Overlap mode, which makes the scripts more flexible.

It may be necessary to double-check whether alignments are properly captured in the Range. If more alignments are in the referenced file, the desired alignments should be identified by using the various filter options in the FromElementsInRange technique. This differentiation is a matter of coordination with the team members generating the alignments with products like OpenRail Designer.

If alignments are in "civil space" rather than "building space" please refer to the geo-coordination training how this should be handled. Alternatively, implement an additional CoordinateSystem node which moves and, if necessary, rotates the alignments into "building space". GenerativeComponents requires geometry to be in the Solids Area defined in the DGN file settings. These settings are delivered through the dataset and should not be changed so that all operations are consistent from design to documentation.