GenerativeComponents Help

Exercise: Replicate the Section along the curve

Replicate the single section multiple times along the curved path. You can replace a single input value for a feature with a List of values, which causes anything that depends on that feature to be replicated for each of the values in the array. In this case you will use the T parameter of plane1. Instead of a single T = 0.3 value you will replace it with a List of values. The syntax for a list requires curly brackets and coma separated values. For instance, T = {0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0}.
  1. In the Graph, double click on the plane1 node. The Node Properties dialog opens.
  2. Replace the T parameter value with the List {0,0.2,0.4,0.6,0.8,1.0}
  3. Clos3e the Node Properties dialog by clicking the red X. The upside down tee is replicated along the curve for as many times as there are values in the List.
    Note: In the Graph, all nodes used to create the original upside down tee section are displayed as being replicated (with shadows behind node and replicated status indicator).
  4. (Optional) Alternatively you could also use the function Series(0,1.0,0.1) to define the T parameter. The function generates the list for you.
  5. Record User Changes into Transaction file.