GenerativeComponents Help

Mirror Copy node

Used to mirror copy a geometric element about a plane.

Accessed from:

  • Ribbon: Computational Design > Home > Manipulate > Mirror
  • Toolbox - Manipulate Node

Opens the Node Properties dialog where a Plane about the selected node being mirrored, and the ReverseDirection option to reverse or not the mirrored node are set.

Node Properties dialog

The Mirror command creates a mirrored node using the default MirrorCopyGeometricContentsAboutPlane technique.
Plane Defines the Plane about which the selected node is mirrored.
ReverseDirection When checked, the mirrored node direction reverses.
Dialog toolbar controls
  • (Hold Changes Until Applied) – changes made to the nodes for Mirror command are held and are applied once the Apply Changes tick mark icon is clicked.
  • (Apply Changes) – changes made to the node settings are applied to the affected nodes.
  • (Cancel Changes) – changes made to the nodes are discarded without affecting the nodes.
  • (Whenever nodes are selected, insert their names in current field) — when on, the name of the selected node (click in the graph view to change node) is taken in current field as value.