GenerativeComponents Help

Show Node Types

Used to show or hide the Node Types dialog where you can select nodes to create. When a node is created, geometry is either built or analyzed; this depends on whether the node type is a geometry node or control node.
Accessed from:

  • Ribbon: Computational Design > Model > Tools > Node Types
  • Ribbon: Computational Design > Home > Primary > Node Types

OpenBuildings GenerativeComponents for OpenBuildings Designer

OpenBuildings GenerativeComponents for MicroStation

Used to create new nodes and view node techniques.
Show type names When on (default), node names are displayed. When off, node names are hidden. Useful for maximizing the application window area.
Apply symbology When on, the default symbology settings, currently in Attributes toolbox Home > Attributes are applied to every new geometric node. When off (default), you can define the symbology of a node's properties in the Node Properties dialog, in the general properties category.
Edit new nodes When on, the Node Properties dialog is automatically opened with the selected node's properties available for editing. When off (default), the Node Properties dialog is not opened.
Geometry nodes Contains geometric nodes such as Line, Arc, Polygon, Surface, Mesh, Solid, and Text.
Utility nodes Contains special nodes that act on other nodes in the model, such as ClipVolume, Slider, Expression, and ReferenceAttachment.
Building nodes Contains nodes for placing OpenBuildings Designer components such as Walls, Slabs, Spaces, Doors and Windows, and StructuralMember.
Generated {Optional} Contains generated node types, if any were generated using (Generate Node Type).
Techniques The node pop up menu displays techniques available for the selected node. Each technique contains a list of input properties that must be defined in order to create the node.
Tooltips Hover the pointer over a node to display information.
Notation Properties Accessible from the node pop up menu (right click on the node). Used to add and remove notation properties for selected nodes.
  • rt-click > Notation Properties > Add – Opens the Add Notation Property dialog:

    • Node type - displays the selected node type
    • Name of new property - enter a name for the new property.
    • Type of new property - drop list contains these types:
    • Initial value (optional) – enter a value for the new notation property.
  • rt-click > Notation Properties > Remove – Enabled for nodes with added notation properties. Opens the Remove Notation Property dialog:

    Warning: Removing a property will remove it from all occurrences of the selected node.
    • Node type - displays the selected node type.
    • Property to remove - select from the properties on the drop list.
    • Yes, that's what I want - confirms your intent to remove the property.

      When on, the OK button is enabled allowing you to proceed with removal.