GenerativeComponents Help

Exercise: Placing the generated node

  1. From the Node Types dialog select the crossbar1 user Generated node. Node crossbar11 is placed in the Graph. Its technique is set to ByDefault, and it's required input is polygon2 (the "input" from the Generate Node Type dialog).
  2. Draw a wire from the polygon02 input to the overall node on polygon1. The crossbar grid populates bslineSurface1.
  3. In the Graph, right click on polygon1 and select Visible. This turns off the display of polygon01 instances.
  4. Repeat the previous step for polygon2 and bslineSurface1. With the display of polygon1, polygon2 and bsplineSurface1 toggled off, you can see the crossbar tunnel more clearly.
  5. Record User Changes into Transaction file.