GenerativeComponents Help

Create the Base Coordinate System (baseCS)

Before creating any geometric objects, a base coordinate system (baseCS) must be defined.
  1. Invoke the Create baseCS tool. Select from the Computational Design > Home > Place Geometry > Create baseCS ribbon.

    The Create baseCS dialog opens.

    The dialog lists all the models existing in the DGN. You must select one of them or create a new one on the fly to place the baseCS in. For core application, in place of "Design Model", the default model name may appear " 3D Metric Design".
  2. In the Create baseCS dialog, select <New...>.

    The Create DGN Model dialog opens.

  3. Enter in Name for the new DGN model, and click OK.

    Both the Create DGN model and Create baseCS dialog close and the baseCS coordinate system is placed in both the model view and the Graph.

    The baseCS node with the required input DGNModelName is defined as "tunnel".

  4. Record User Changes into Transaction file.